Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You remember the Kenny and Winnie story? Well, Kenny got entangled in the arms of no-good lady, Nina, who's up to no good. Nina worked in a bar, and like her job, she was a slut who spent the entire day drinking alcohol and gambling. She was always demanding-living a high profile life-and squandering her lot on what she knows best.
Kenny was tired of the relationship and want out. But would Nina let him be?

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Name: Gabriel Idoko

love and relationship

Winnie is heart broken because she failed to play by the rules. She was in love with Kenny and gave her all into the relationship. Guess what, Kenny's a cheat who plays games with every thing in skirt. How awful. Can someone really find a true love,one that seeks to protect your interests rather than his?
Something terrible happened to Kenny that turned his whole life around. Wanna know what?